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Memby will be available only through

our distribution partners. Apply here

to be one of our beta testers. 

Bottle the Happiness that Makes Life Worth Living.

For families

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who want a life

big on memories

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but without

clutter holding them back.  


Memby is an AI-powered archival storage and memory organization system that works across generations in families. Memby makes it easy to turn physical mementos into digital memories (kids' art to grandma's love letters), stay organized, and share with family today and in the future. 

A $28 Billion dollar industry says save this. 

There are so many storage units in America that every single one of us could stand inside of them. We've been taught by an entire industry that to have a life that's meaningful, we have to keep the stuff. 


It's just not true. Research shows overwhelmingly that this isn't the way our brains work, and it's now how we will ever live a life rich with meaning, happiness, peace, and love. There is a better way. 

When you Save the Papers, You Save the Wrong Thing.

Things to Help You Decide​
  • Our CEO tells our origin story

  • What you can upload

  •        summer projects 
  •        art
  •        lego creations 
  •        puzzles 
  •        poems 
  •        programs and more!

You keep the papers because you want to remember that moment with your child. You want to hold it again like you want to hold them forever. So the papers sit in the basement for 20 years...


Until one day, you go to hand them that precious plastic bin hoping it will give them a sense of who they are, and you suddenly realize something.  You thought you'd never forget when they first showed their humor or which picture was the first lion, and now you aren't even sure whose bin is whose. 


You've saved the papers. You forgot everything. 


We've worked with mothers and fathers directly to create an organizational experience that keeps these memories and lets you share them with family and save them safely for your children. Because you're right to want to save them. They just don't have to live on your counter.  

Want to bottle memories that aren't about kids?

Memby is testing in private beta Memby for other uses. Please reach out if you're looking to bottle memories...


for travel

for family stories

for romance 

for so much more. 




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Memby is a Techstars portfolio company 

You don't need to feel guilty...

Whether it's because you tossed something or because you weren't there, Memby replaces guilt.

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“Love the memories but hate the clutter? Check out @joinmemby! They are a revolutionary app that digitizes all your memories so you can keep the feelings but get rid of all that paper. I mean can I get a hallelujah? ” - Nikki 

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Memby is GREAT for organization and freeing up space while still keeping my children's art and creations. Very easy to just snap and save. - Charlene

“When I grow up, I want to get Memby so that before I hand in the test to my teacher, I'm going to Memby it so I can remember it and look back and think, 'Hey, I did some pretty good work back then.'” - Nautica (age 9)

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Not just storage, but a happier longer life. 

High Achievement 

Kids do better when families talk about past meaningful moments. Memby's Voiced Story puts this storytelling at the center of your storage experience. 

Long Lifespan

The quality of our relationships is the single most important factor to lifespan. Quality is a function of how we reflect on our relationships. Memby builds reflection into your family. 

Strong Self

Children achieve more in life, and feel better about it, when they control their outcomes, and recollecting is critical to this control. 

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Memby's storage experience is based on new research that goes against the storage-unit status quo.


Memby is a suite of research-driven software products designed for museums so that people retain more information and ultimately achieve their full potential in school and in life. 

© 2023 by Floracracy, Inc.

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