Digital Travelling
When museums (or libraries) are out of space and low on budget, we let them add an exhibit that is digital and affordable, so that they can help kids learn more and better understand who they are.
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Museums can use Memby to create a fully digital traveling exhibit of content driven by storytelling shared orally through our platform, recognizing that storytelling is one of the best ways for children to learn alongside play.
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Museums can create traveling exhibits of kids' content or use the software to create custom content for other experts and content creators. These traveling exhibits are available in a marketplace of content.
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Museums and libraries in communities without a museum can use our Traveling Exhibit marketplace to share new ideas with children at affordable rates. We're creating the vision of a "science everywhere" potential as studied in the
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All traveling exhibits can be shared with families through our Memby Home app, which serves as a way to connect museums with their visitors.
The Research
" Our overarching research aim has been to understand how we can design community-driven technologies and life-relevant learning experiences so that entire neighborhoods can recognize science in their everyday lives and take up new opportunities to engage in science relevant to their communities."
The Original "Science Everywhere" National Science Foundation Research Project